소문을 전하거나 확인할 때
A: Hey, have you heard?
(야, 너 들었어?)
B: Heard what?
(뭘 들었는데?)
A: Word on the street is that Jake is quitting his job!
(소문에 따르면, 제이크가 직장 그만둔다던데!)
B: No way! Where did you hear that?
(말도 안 돼! 그거 어디서 들었어?)
A: Apparently, his coworker told someone, and now everyone’s talking about it.
(듣자 하니, 같은 팀 사람이 누군가한테 말했는데, 이제 다들 떠들고 있대.)
소문을 믿거나 안 믿을 때
A: Did you hear about Lisa and Tom?
(리사랑 톰 얘기 들었어?)
B: No, what happened?
(아니, 무슨 일인데?)
A: People are saying they broke up.
(사람들이 둘이 헤어졌다고 하더라고.)
B: Hmm, that doesn’t sound right. I just saw them together yesterday.
(음, 그거 이상한데? 어제 둘이 같이 있는 거 봤는데.)
A: Yeah, I’m taking it with a grain of salt. You never know with these things.
(응, 나도 그냥 적당히 걸러서 듣고 있어. 이런 거 확실하진 않잖아.)
소문을 부인하거나 해명할 때
A: Hey, I heard you’re moving to New York!
(야, 너 뉴욕으로 이사 간다며!)
B: Wait, what? Who told you that?
(뭐? 누가 그런 말 했어?)
A: I don’t remember, but people are saying it.
(잘 기억은 안 나는데, 사람들이 그러던데?)
B: That’s just a rumor. I’m not going anywhere!
(그거 그냥 소문이야. 나 안 가!)
소문을 조심스럽게 전할 때
A: Hey, don’t spread this around, but I heard Emma got a promotion.
(야, 이거 퍼뜨리진 마, 근데 엠마가 승진했다던데.)
B: Really? That’s awesome! But where did you hear that?
(진짜? 대박인데! 근데 어디서 들었어?)
A: Someone from her team mentioned it, but she hasn’t announced it yet.
(같은 팀 누가 말했는데, 아직 공식적으로 발표하진 않았대.)
B: Well, I’ll keep it to myself until she says something.
(음, 엠마가 말하기 전까지는 나도 입 다물고 있을게.)
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